1,500+ fans on Facebook!

When I first put Jessica Evans Photography on Facebook I never even imagined that it would be where it is today. I hit over 1500 fans yesterday and still counting. Ok so 1500 isn’t THAT much compared to some other photographers out there with 12,000+ but for me 1500 is A LOT!

I strive on perfecting my skills for my clients, and I love every aspect of photography. Like I’ve said before, if it wasn’t for bills (eww) then I would do this for free.

The coolest thing is being in public and having a total stranger come up to you and ask if you are Jessica Evans from Jessica Evans Photography. All because they recognize your kids!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I just want to hug them (I’m from a huge family of huggers), of course I don’t because I would hate to freak them out. Hahaha.

The past two years have really been crazy for me and my business. My husband joined the Marine Corp and after boot camp and MCT we packed up and moved to California for almost a year. I wasn’t sure about leaving my clients here and I was totally scared about building clientele somewhere else and a military town at that. Turns out it isn’t THAT bad and I met some amazing people in California and who knew the desert could be so beautiful. I think some of my best work was while we were in California. ๐Ÿ™‚

So now that we are back in good ole Mebane, North Carolina business is better than ever and my clients are awesome. I look forward to meeting new clients!! Yay for 1500+ new fans!!!!

Much love,
Jessica Evans

$50 Back To School Mini Sessions!

I will be hosting back to school themed mini sessions August 30th and 31st 5pm-7pm.ย  There are only 5 time slots available each day and they are filling up super fast ๐Ÿ™‚ย  If you would like to snag a time slot then please email me and let me know which day you would like.



New Look

Hello everyone!

As you can tell the blogsite looks a little different. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  As always, if you have any questions feel free to email me at jessicaevansphoto@gmail.com or fill out a contact form under the contact tab.ย  Check here for specials and upcoming events!





Hello everyone I hope you all are having a wonderful start to the new year. We are still trying to get everything settled from our cross country move from California to North Carolina. We are certainly glad to be back in our home and with our family. I am now taking appointments for February so make your appointment before they fill. Check the investment tab for our 2012 pricing.

Thank you

Congdon Boys

I thought I would blog some of my recent sessions for you guys to check out ๐Ÿ™‚

My favorite boys ๐Ÿ™‚ These are my best friends children and they are so funny.ย  I had such a great time with these two!!

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“What’s in your camera bag?”

I know that many wonder what photographers lug around with them to each shoot, and besides the props the most important thing is their camera bag ๐Ÿ™‚ My favorite part ๐Ÿ™‚ So I thought I would share with you guys a picture of the inside of my camera bag.ย  I shoot with two cameras, but my main one is a Nikon D2x (which I have fallen so in love with) although it weighs about 8 pounds, ok maybe not 8 but really close.ย  I also shoot with a Nikon D60, which was my first love.ย  As of now I have 3 different lens, really wanting more ๐Ÿ™‚ My favorite lens and the one I shoot with the most is my prime lens, a Nikon 50mm 1.8.ย  Then of course I have an external flash, filters,etc. ๐Ÿ™‚